Current EchoLink Setup
by Gord Smits, VE3UGG Oct-31-14

EchoLink is currently run on the VA3KCR repeater from the QTH of VE3UGG. It is node 852814 and may be down sporadically due to desktop maintenance, etc. To find it in the EchoLink application, search for VE3UGG-R.

...EchoLink is currently down. Please use the IRLP machine for remote repeater linking...

Selected DTMF Codes
Description Code
Info  611
Status  411
Disconnect  73
Disconnect All  ##
Reconnect  000
VE3TOM  94
VE3MUS  93
VE3TTT  95
VE3WHO  96
VE3RAG  80
VE3KR  92
VE3OEW  91
*WORLD*  103
*RATS-BC*  104
*NASA*  105
*HI-GATE*  101


Past EchoLink Efforts